Developmental Milestones
Language & Feeding
Between birth-to-6 months old
Sucks fingers near mouth
Makes cooing sound
Smiles at familiar people
Recognizes voices
Makes sounds when happy and upset
Notices toys that make noise
Begins to try and hold a bottle
Transitions to puree on a spoon
Between 6-to-12 months old
Begins self-feeding
Drinks from a straw cup or open cup
Responds to name
Waves bye-bye
Understands common words
Plays games “Pee-a-boo”
Uses gestures and sounds to gain attention
Transitions to solid foods
Points to objects
Imitates sounds and words
Uses 1-2 words “mama”
Between 1-to-2 years old
Understands “no”, “come here”, and “sit down”
Names familiar objects, uses single words frequently
Asks to have some needs met, such as using “more”
Gives a toy when asked
Points to his or her toes, eyes, and nose
Brings object from another room when asked
Imitates new words and short phrases and uses new words spontaneously
Spontaneously combines two words (between 18 and 24 months)
Eats a variety of foods and chews food without choking or gagging
Speech sounds 25-50% intelligible to an unfamiliar listener
Between 2-to-3 years old
Follows two step commands, such as “pick up your socks and give them to me”
Comprehends simple questions
Carries on a “conversation” with self and dolls
Frequently and spontaneously uses 2 word phrases (24 months)
Uses 3 word phrases (24-27 months)
Asks “what’s that?” and “Where’s my”
Talks to other children as well as adults
Solves problems by talking instead of hitting and crying
Uses action words, uses negation and plurals, and uses basic prepositions
Answers what, where and who questions by 3 years old
Speech sounds 50-75% intelligible to an unfamiliar listener
Produces the sounds: /b, m, n, ng, p, f, h, and w/
Between 3-to-4 years old
Follows three-step directions
Understands when, why, how questions
Understands spatial concepts (first, last, middle)
Understands temporal concepts (before and after)
Understands more complex sentences
Understands same and different
Can tell a story
Speaks in 4-5 word sentences in conversation
Uses possessives, verb forms, quantity concepts (one, some, all)
Speech sounds 75-100%% intelligible to an unfamiliar listener
Produces the sounds: /k, g, d, t, ng, f, y/
Produces the sounds: /r, l, s, ch, sh, z/ by 5 years of age
Other Concerns
Difficulty making friends
Academic concerns
Difficulty with rhyming words, learning shapes, numbers, and colors
Picky eater
Mouth breather, drools, or messy eater
Difficulty transitioning to solid foods
Tongue thrust during swallow or speech
Difficulty moving tongue, jaw, lips on command
Tongue or lip tie
Hoarse vocal quality